{"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-01","query_id":1,"query":"{urban poverty} OR {targeted poverty alleviation} OR {social welfare} OR {social security} OR {social safety nets} OR {social safety net} OR {social protection systems} OR {social protection system} OR {social protection spending} OR {social protection floor} OR {social protection} OR {social assistance} OR {small island developing states} OR {sendai framework for disaster risk reduction} OR {resilience of the poor} OR {poverty reduction strategy papers} OR {poverty reduction strategy paper} OR {poverty reduction} OR {poverty line} OR {poverty levels} OR {poverty eradication} OR {poverty alleviation programs} OR {poverty alleviation programmes} OR {poverty alleviation programme} OR {poverty alleviation program} OR {poverty alleviation} OR {poor countries} OR {official development assistance} OR {official development aid} OR {microfinance institutions} OR {microfinance} OR {micro-financ*} OR {microfinanc*} OR {microcredit} OR {micro finance institutions} OR {low socioeconomic status} OR {low income population} OR {low income countries} OR {low income} OR {international poverty line} OR {international development aid} OR {international aid} OR {income poverty} OR {global poverty} OR {foreign aid} OR {food banks} OR {food bank} OR {financial empowerment} OR {extreme poverty} OR {eradicate extreme poverty} OR {end poverty} OR {distributional effects} OR {distributional effect} OR {disaster risk reduction strategies} OR {disaster risk reduction} OR {development assistance committee} OR {development aid} OR {conditional cash transfers} OR {conditional cash transfer programs} OR {conditional cash transfer program} OR {conditional cash transfer} OR {child welfare} OR {child support grant} OR {child labour} OR {child labor regulations} OR {child labor laws} OR {child labor} OR {alleviating poverty} OR {poverty} OR {income inequality} OR {food desert} OR {relative poverty} OR {food access} OR {socioeconomic deprivation} OR {low socioeconomic} OR {low-socioeconomic} OR {low socio-economic} OR ( {economic resource} AND access ) OR ( {economic resources} AND access ) OR ( {financial aid} AND {north-south divide} ) OR ( {financial aid} AND poor ) OR ( {financial aid} AND poverty ) OR ( {financial development} AND poverty ) OR ( {poor or vulnerable} AND {safety net} ) OR ( {social protection} AND access )"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-02","query_id":2,"query":"( {urban food security} OR {sustainable land management} OR {sustainable food production} OR {sustainable agriculture} OR {supplemental nutrition assistance program} OR {soil fertility management} OR {soil fertility} OR {small-scale food producers} OR {smallholder farms} OR {smallholder farming systems} OR {smallholder farming} OR {smallholder farmers} OR smallholder OR {severe acute malnutrition} OR {resilient agriculture} OR {resilient agricultural practices} OR {productive agriculture} OR {prepregnancy nutritional status} OR {prenatal nutrition} OR {plant banks} OR {plant bank} OR {periconceptional undernutrition alters fetal growth} OR obesity OR {nutritional status} OR {nutritional risk screening} OR {nutrition risk} OR {mini nutritional assessment} OR {maternal undernutrition} OR {maternal periconceptual undernutrition} OR {maternal periconceptional undernutrition} OR {maternal nutrition} OR manures OR manure OR {malnutrition universal screening tool} OR {malnutrition risk} OR malnutrition OR {low food security} OR {local food production} OR irrigation OR {integrated soil fertility management} OR {indicator of food price anomalies} OR {hunger} OR {household food security status} OR {household food security} OR {household food insecurity access scale} OR {household food insecurity} OR {household dietary diversity score} OR {high nutrition risk} OR {hidden hunger} OR {grain yields} OR {grain yield} OR {good agricultural practices} OR {global food system} OR {global food supply} OR {global food security} OR {genetically modified foods} OR {genetically modified food} OR {food value chain} OR {food systems} OR {food system} OR {food supply chains} OR {food supply chain management} OR {food supply chain} OR {food supply} OR {food security survey module} OR {food security status} OR {food security policy} OR {food security} OR {food reserves} OR {food productivity} OR {food production systems} OR {food production} OR {food prices} OR {food price volatility} OR {food price anomalies} OR {food nutrition improvement} OR {food insecurity experience scale} OR {food insecurity} OR {food governance} OR {food gap} OR {food commodity markets} OR {food commodity market} OR {food availability} OR {fertilizer application rates} OR {fertiliser application rates} OR fertili?wer OR {farmyard manure} OR {farming systems} OR {farming system} OR {extreme food price volatility} OR {european food safety authority} OR {end hunger} OR {early life nutrition} OR {doha development round} OR {dietary diversity} OR {crops} OR {cropping systems} OR {cropping system} OR {crop yields} OR {crop yield} OR {crop productivity} OR {crop management} OR {crop growth} OR {conservation agriculture} OR {common agricultural policy} OR {arable land} OR {agroforestry practices} OR {agroforestry management} OR {agri-food supply chain} OR {agricultural systems} OR {agricultural soils} OR {agricultural productivity} OR {agricultural productions} OR {agricultural production systems} OR {agricultural production system} OR {agricultural production} OR {agricultural practices} OR {agricultural markets} OR {agricultural management} OR {agricultural land} OR {agricultural innovation} OR {agricultural export subsidies} OR {agricultural development} OR {acute severe maternal undernutrition} OR {food consumption} OR {complementary food} OR {food science} OR {grain crops} OR legumes OR {precision agriculture} OR ( agriculture AND potassium ) OR ( access AND {food market} ) OR ( {development governance} AND {food market} ) OR ( {north south divide} AND {food market} ) OR ( restriction AND {food market} ) OR ( {restriction OR tariff} AND {food market} ) OR ( {food securities} AND {genetic diversity} ) OR ( {cultivated plants} AND {genetic diversity} ) OR ( {domesticated animals} AND {genetic diversity} ) OR ( {farmed animals} AND {genetic diversity} ) OR ( seeds AND {genetic diversity} ) OR ( gmo AND food ) OR ( {gene banks} AND livestock ) OR ( {local breeds} AND extinction ) OR ( {gene bank} AND plant ) OR ( {gene banks} AND plant ) OR ( {total official flows} AND agriculture ) OR ( smallholder AND farm ) OR ( smallholder AND forestry ) OR ( smallholder AND pastoral ) OR ( smallholder AND agriculture ) OR ( smallholder AND fishery ) OR ( smallholder AND fisheries ) OR ( smallholder AND {food producer} ) OR ( smallholder AND {food producers} ) ) NOT biofuel"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-03","query_id":3,"query":"{zika virus} OR {youth well-being index} OR {youth wellbeing index} OR {world obesity federation} OR {world health organization} OR {water-borne diseases} OR {water-borne disease} OR {water, sanitation and hygiene} OR {water borne diseases} OR {water borne disease} OR vaccines OR {vaccine preventable diseases} OR vaccine OR vaccination OR vaccin* OR {universal health coverage} OR {universal health} OR {under-five mortality} OR {under-5 mortality} OR {typhoid fever} OR typhoid OR {type 2 diabetes} OR {type 1 diabetes} OR tumors OR {tumor necrosis factor} OR tumor OR tuberculosis OR {tropical diseases} OR {tropical disease} OR {traumatic brain injury} OR {traffic accidents} OR {traffic accident} OR {tobacco use} OR {tobacco control} OR {tobacco addiction} OR {suicide mortality rate} OR suicide OR {sudden infant death syndrome} OR {substance use disorders} OR {substance addiction} OR {substance abuse} OR {social determinants of health} OR {smoking cessation} OR {sleeping sickness} OR {sexually transmitted infections} OR {sexually transmitted infection} OR {sexually transmitted diseases} OR {sexually transmitted disease} OR {sexual risk behaviours} OR {sexual risk behaviour} OR {sexual risk behaviors} OR {sexual risk behavior} OR {sexual health} OR {severity of illness index} OR {severe acute respiratory syndrome} OR schistosomiasis OR {rheumatic heart disease} OR {respiratory tract infections} OR {respiratory tract infection} OR {respiratory distress syndrome} OR {reproductive healthcare} OR {reproductive health care} OR {reproductive health} OR {quality-adjusted life-year} OR {quality adjusted life year} OR {public health} OR {psychological well-being} OR {psychological wellbeing} OR {psychological well being} OR {psychological harm} OR {psychiatric disorder} OR {primary healthcare} OR {primary health care} OR {primary care} OR {preventable deaths} OR {preventable death} OR {premature mortality} OR {pregnant women} OR pregnancy OR {post-traumatic stress disorder} OR {post-natal depression} OR {postnatal depression} OR poliomyelitis OR polio* OR pneumonia OR {patient satisfaction} OR {parkinson's disease} OR {parkinson disease} OR pandemics OR pandemic OR obesity OR {non-small cell lung carcinoma} OR {non-small cell lung cancer} OR {non-communicable diseases} OR {non-communicable disease} OR {nonalcoholic fatty liver disease} OR neoplasms OR neoplasm OR {neonatal mortality rate} OR {neonatal mortality} OR {neonatal intensive care unit} OR {neonatal intensive care} OR {neglected tropical diseases} OR {neglected tropical disease} OR {neglected diseases} OR {neglected disease} OR {narcotic drug abuse} OR {myocardial infarction} OR {middle east respiratory syndrome} OR {mental illnesses} OR {mental illness} OR {mental health services} OR {mental health service} OR {mental health care} OR {mental health} OR {mental disorders} OR {mental disorder} OR {mental disease} OR medicines OR medicine OR {medical care} OR measles OR {maternal mortality ratio} OR {maternal mortality rate} OR {maternal mortality} OR {maternal health} OR {maternal death} OR malaria OR {major depressive disorder} OR {major depression} OR {lung disease} OR {lung carcinoma} OR {lung cancer} OR {low birth weight} OR {live birth rates} OR {live birth rate} OR {life expectancy} OR {life expectancies} OR {international health regulations} OR {international health policy} OR {intensive care unit} OR {inflammatory bowel diseases} OR {inflammatory bowel disease} OR {infectious diseases} OR {infectious disease} OR {infant mortality} OR {inclusive health} OR immunology OR hypertension OR {huntington's disease} OR {huntington disease} OR {human immunodeficiency virus infections} OR {human immunodeficiency virus infection} OR {human immunodeficiency virus} OR OR OR {hiv infections} OR {hiv infection} OR {highly active antiretroviral therapy} OR {high blood pressure} OR hepatitis-c OR hepatitis-b OR hepatitis OR {heart infarction} OR {heart failure} OR {heart disease} OR {healthy lifestyle} OR {healthcare services} OR {healthcare professionals} OR healthcare OR {health worker density} OR {health worker} OR {health system access} OR {health system} OR {health services accessibility} OR {health services} OR {health service} OR {health risks} OR {health risk} OR {health policy} OR {health outcomes} OR {health emergency preparedness} OR {health care workers} OR {health care system} OR {health care services} OR {health care quality} OR {health care policy} OR {health care personnel} OR {health care delivery systems} OR {health care delivery system} OR {health care delivery} OR {health care} OR h1n1 OR {gestational diabetes} OR {gestational age} OR {fetal growth restriction} OR {family planning} OR epidemiology OR epidemics OR epidemic OR {emerging infectious diseases} OR {emerging infectious disease} OR {ebola virus disease} OR ebola OR dysentery OR {drug users} OR {drug safety} OR {drug addiction} OR {drug abuse} OR {district health boards} OR {disease transmission} OR {disease burden} OR diet OR diarrhoea OR diarrhea OR {diabetes mellitus} OR diabet* OR depression OR dengue OR {cvd risk factors} OR OR {coronavirus disease 2019} OR {coronary heart disease} OR {coronary artery disease} OR {contraceptive use} OR contraception OR {congestive heart failure} OR {congenital heart disease} OR {communicable diseases} OR {communicable disease} OR {combined antiretroviral therapy} OR {chronic respiratory diseases} OR {chronic respiratory disease} OR {chronic obstructive pulmonary disease} OR {chronic disease} OR cholera OR {childbirth complications} OR {child well-being index} OR {child wellbeing index} OR {child neglect} OR {child mortality} OR {child health} OR {child deaths} OR {child death} OR {child abuse} OR chagas OR {cause of death} OR {cardiovascular risk factors} OR {cardiovascular risk} OR {cardiovascular diseases} OR {cardiovascular disease} OR {cancer cells} OR {cancer cell} OR cancer* OR {breast neoplasms} OR {breast cancer} OR {brain injury} OR {body mass index} OR {blood pressure} OR {battered child syndrome} OR {antiretroviral treatment} OR {antiretroviral therapy} OR {antineoplastic agents} OR {antineoplastic agent} OR {antenatal care} OR anemia OR {alzheimer's disease} OR {alzheimer disease} OR alcoholism OR {alcohol use disorder} OR {alcohol use} OR {alcohol consumption} OR {alcohol abuse} OR {african trypanosomiasis} OR {affordable medicines} OR {adolescent birth rate} OR {acute rheumatic fever} OR {acute respiratory distress syndrome} OR {acute myocardial infarction} OR {acute coronary syndrome} OR {acquired immunodeficiency syndrome} OR {accessible health system} OR {sars} OR {ptsd} OR {nicu} OR {mers} OR {icu} OR {hiv} OR {bmi} OR {aids} OR ( contamination AND death* ) OR ( contamination AND illness* ) OR ( {health system} AND access ) OR ( {health system} AND accessible ) OR ( human AND disease* ) OR ( human AND health* ) OR ( human AND illness* ) OR ( human AND medicine* ) OR ( human AND mortality ) OR ( indigenous AND health ) OR ( {essential health-care services} AND access ) OR ( {essential medicines} AND access ) OR ( {essential vaccines} AND access ) OR ( {official development assistance} AND medical ) OR ( {official development assistance} AND {basic health} ) OR ( pollution AND death* ) OR ( pollution AND illness* ) OR ( sexual AND {reproductive health-care} ) OR ( {the trips agreement} AND {public health} ) OR ( {traffic accident} AND death* ) OR ( {traffic accident} AND injur* ) OR ( {traffic accidents} AND death* ) OR ( {traffic accidents} AND injur* )"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-04","query_id":4,"query":"(( school OR education OR educational OR teaching OR learning OR student OR teacher OR college OR university OR training ) AND ( {academic achievement} OR {adult basic education} OR {adult literacy} OR {affordable education} OR {basic education} OR {basic education development index} OR {child labor} OR {child labour} OR {childhood curriculum} OR {compulsory secondary education} OR {culturally diverse students} OR {curriculum reform} OR discriminatory OR {dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills} OR {early childhood care} OR {early childhood curriculum} OR {early childhood development} OR {early childhood education} OR {early childhood education policy} OR {early childhood pedagogy} OR {early childhood special education} OR {early years learning framework} OR {education dropouts} OR {education exclusion} OR {education expenditure} OR {education facilities} OR {education indicators} OR {education institutions} OR {education policies} OR {education policy} OR {education quality} OR {education reform} OR {education research} OR {educational access} OR {educational attainment} OR {educational enrollment} OR {educational enrolment} OR {educational environment} OR {educational financial aid} OR {educational gap} OR {educational governance} OR {educational inequality} OR {educational institutions} OR {educational outcomes} OR {educational policies} OR {educational policy} OR {educational reform} OR {educational research} OR {educational status} OR {elementary school} OR {environmental education} OR {equal education} OR {equal opportunities} OR {european higher education area} OR {foreign aid} OR {formal education} OR {formal training} OR {global citizenship} OR {global citizenship education} OR {global education reform movement} OR {high school} OR {high school education} OR {high school graduation rates} OR {high schools} OR {higher education} OR {higher education institutions} OR {higher education policy} OR {higher education reform} OR {ict skills} OR {inclusive education} OR {inclusive education system} OR {individualized education program} OR {individuals with disabilities education improvement act} OR {information and communications technology skills} OR {initial teacher education} OR {inservice teacher training} OR {international education} OR {learning environment} OR {learning opportunities} OR {learning outcomes} OR {lifelong learning} OR {lifelong learning opportunities} OR literacy OR {literacy skills} OR {lower secondary education} OR {māori and pacific admission scheme} OR {massive open online courses} OR {national assessment program - literacy and numeracy} OR {national education policies} OR {non-formal education} OR {non-formal training} OR numeracy OR {numeracy rate} OR {open educational resources} OR {organized learning} OR {pasifika early childhood education} OR {pedagogical content knowledge} OR {pre-primary education} OR {pre-service early childhood education} OR {pre-service teacher education} OR {primary education} OR {primary school} OR {primary schools} OR {professional development} OR {professional learning} OR {programme for international student assessment} OR {public education} OR {public schools} OR {safety in school} OR scholarships OR {school attendance} OR {school curriculum} OR {school enrollment} OR {school enrolment} OR {school safety} OR {science technology engineering mathematics} OR {secondary education} OR {secondary school} OR {secondary schools} OR {special education} OR {special education needs} OR {special education policy} OR {student assessment} OR {sustainable development education} OR {te whāriki} OR {teacher attrition} OR {teacher education} OR {teacher training} OR {technology education} OR {tertiary education} OR {tertiary institutions} OR {the dundee ready educational environment measure} OR {universal education} OR {universal primary education} OR {upper secondary education} OR {upper secondary school} OR {vocational education} OR {vocational training} OR {women empowerment} OR {youth empowerment} OR {distance learning} OR apprenticeship OR {english proficiency} OR {student evaluation} OR {reading fluency} OR {reading accuracy} OR {quality education} OR {language development} OR {education system} OR {e-learning} OR {educational program} OR {basic reading skills} OR {learning disabilities} OR ( ( education OR teaching OR learning ) AND disabilit* ) OR ( student AND teacher ) OR ( ( learning OR teaching OR education ) AND online ) OR ( ( education OR teaching OR learning ) AND disabilit* ) OR ( student* AND teacher* ) OR ( ( learning OR teaching OR education ) AND online ) OR ( ( learning OR teaching OR education ) AND language ) OR ( {technical education} AND access ) OR ( {tertiary education} AND access ) OR ( {vocational education} AND access ) OR ( ( {primary education} OR {secondary education} ) AND {completion rate} ) OR ( {school effects} AND {developing countries} ) OR ( {teacher training} AND {development aid} ) OR ( {educational reform} AND {developing countries} ) OR ( {equal access} AND education ) OR ( {gender disparity} AND education ) OR ( {gender disparities} AND education ) OR ( ( {gender disparities} OR empowerment ) AND {learning opportunity} ) OR ( ( {gender disparities} OR empowerment ) AND {learning opportunities} ) OR ( ( scholarship OR education ) AND {official development assistance} ) OR ( education AND {official development assistance} ) OR ( {poverty trap} AND schooling ) OR ( {ethnic disparities} AND schooling ) OR ( {gender disparities} AND schooling ) OR ( {racial disparities} AND schooling ) OR ( safe* AND {learning environment} ) OR ( non-violent AND {learning environment} ) OR ( inclusive AND {learning environment} ) OR ( effective AND {learning environment} ) OR ( {teacher training} AND {developing countries} ) )) NOT ( health AND (literacy OR drug OR substance ))"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-05","query_id":5,"query":"{women's unemployment} OR {women's underrepresentation} OR {women's sexual and reproductive health} OR {women's rights} OR {women's power} OR {women's political participation} OR {women's ownership} OR {women's livelihood} OR {women's empowerment} OR {women's employment} OR {women's economic development} OR {women's autonomy} OR {women labour force participation} OR {women labor force participation} OR {women in leadership} OR {violence against women act} OR {violence against women} OR {spouse abuse} OR {sexual violence} OR {sexual intimate partner violence} OR {sexual gender-based violence} OR {sexual exploitation and abuse} OR {sexual exploitation} OR {sexual education} OR {sexual crime} OR {sexual assault} OR {sexual and reproductive primary care} OR {sexual and reproductive health rights} OR {sexual and reproductive health care} OR {sexual and reproductive health and rights} OR {sexual and reproductive health} OR {sexual abuse} OR sexism OR {sex offenses} OR {sex education} OR {reproductive rights} OR {reproductive health care} OR {reproductive health} OR {reproductive and sexual health} OR {psychological physical sexual emotional violence} OR {physical, psychological and sexual violence} OR {physical violence and women or girls} OR {physical and sexual violence} OR {physical and sexual abuse} OR {occupational segregation} OR misogyny OR microfinance OR lgbt OR {lesbian gay bisexual transgender} OR {intra-household allocation} OR {intimate partner violence against women} OR {intimate partner violence} OR {international human rights law} OR {human trafficking} OR {household equity} OR {hostile sexism} OR {honour killings} OR {honour killing} OR {honor killings} OR {honor killing} OR {girls' empowerment} OR {gender-responsive budgeting} OR {gender-based violence} OR {gender wage gap} OR {gender segregation} OR {gender quota} OR {gender participation} OR {gender parity} OR {gender mainstreaming} OR {gender injustices} OR {gender injustice} OR {gender inequality} OR {gender inequalities} OR {gender gap} OR {gender equity} OR {gender equality} OR {gender disparities} OR {gender discrimination} OR {forced prostitution} OR {forced marriages} OR {forced marriage} OR {feminist critiques} OR feminism OR {female unemployment} OR {female smallholder} OR {female sex workers} OR {female politician} OR {female political participation} OR {female ownership} OR {female managers} OR {female leadership} OR {female leader} OR {female labour force participation} OR {female labour force} OR {female labor force participation} OR {female infanticides} OR {female infanticide} OR {female genital mutilation/cutting} OR {female genital mutilation} OR {female genital cutting} OR {female exploitation} OR {female entrepreneurship} OR {female empowerment} OR {female employment} OR {family violence} OR {empowerment of women} OR {empower women} OR {empower girls} OR {employment equity} OR {early marriage} OR {domestic violence abuse} OR {domestic violence} OR {domestic minor sex trafficking} OR {contraceptive use} OR {contraceptive behaviour} OR {commercial sexual exploitation of children} OR {commercial sexual exploitation} OR {child sexual exploitation} OR {child sexual abuse} OR {child marriages} OR {child marriage} OR {benevolent sexism} OR {battered women} OR {battered woman} OR {anti-women} OR antiwomen OR {agrarian feminism} OR ( ( {family planning services} OR {reproductive healthcare} ) AND access ) OR ( {adolescent sexual} AND {reproductive health} ) OR ( ( women OR girls ) AND {discrimination} ) OR ( ( {divorce rights} OR {reproductive rights} OR {sexual rights} ) AND equality ) OR ( {foreign aid} AND {women's empowerment} ) OR ( ( girl* OR women ) AND violence ) OR ( ( women OR female* ) AND ( ict* OR ) ) OR ( ( women OR female ) AND {managerial positions} ) OR ( ( {physical violence} OR {psychological violence} ) AND ( women OR girls ) ) OR ( ( {unpaid care work} OR {unpaid work} ) AND {gender inequality} ) OR ( ( transmi* OR prevent* OR educat* ) AND ( hiv OR aids ) AND ( gender* OR male* OR female* OR sex* ) ) OR pmtct OR ( ) OR ( {sexual health} ) OR ( ( OR ) AND ( science OR ict* OR engineering OR stem* ) ) OR ( ) OR {professional women} OR {gender politics} OR OR "} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-06","query_id":6,"query":"( wwtps OR wwtp OR {water-use efficiency} OR {water-related ecosystems} OR {water, sanitation and hygiene} OR {water use} OR {water treatment processes} OR {water treatment plants} OR {water treatment} OR {water supply systems} OR {water supply system} OR {water supply resilience} OR {water supply} OR {water supplies} OR {water stress} OR {water sources} OR {water source} OR {water scarcity} OR {water reuse} OR {water resources management} OR {water resources} OR {water resource management} OR {water resource} OR {water recycling} OR {water quality standards} OR {water quality parameters} OR {water quality index} OR {water quality} OR {water purification} OR {water pollution} OR {water pollutant} OR {water management} OR {water harvesting} OR {water footprint} OR {water filtration} OR {water environment} OR {water efficiency} OR {water ecosystems} OR {water distribution systems} OR {water distribution system} OR {water desalination} OR {water demand} OR {water cooperation} OR {water contamination} OR {water conservation} OR {water bodies} OR {water availability} OR {water and sanitation management} OR {water analysis} OR {wastewater treatment technology} OR {wastewater treatment systems} OR {wastewater treatment system} OR {wastewater treatment processes} OR {wastewater treatment process} OR {wastewater treatment plants} OR {wastewater treatment plant} OR {wastewater treatment facility} OR {wastewater treatment facilities} OR {wastewater treatment} OR {wastewater reuse} OR {wastewater reclamation} OR {wastewater effluent} OR wastewater OR {waste water treatment plants} OR {waste water treatment plant} OR {waste water treatment} OR {waste water management} OR {waste water} OR {urban wastewater treatment plants} OR {urban wastewater treatment} OR {urban wastewater} OR {untreated wastewater} OR ultrafiltration OR {treated water} OR {transboundary cooperation} OR {total suspended solids} OR {tap water} OR {sustainable water management} OR {soil water assessment tool} OR {sewage treatment plants} OR {sewage treatment plant} OR {sewage treatment} OR {sanitation services} OR {safe drinking water} OR {river bank filtration} OR {reverse osmosis} OR {recycled water} OR {reclaimed water} OR {quality water} OR {quality drinking water} OR {potable water} OR {pit lake water quality} OR {open defecation} OR {moving bed biofilm reactor} OR {membrane bioreactor} OR {lake water quality} OR {irrigation water} OR {integrated water resources management} OR {integrated water resource management} OR {industrial wastewater treatment} OR {industrial wastewater} OR {inadequate water supply} OR {hand-washing facility} OR {groundwater resources} OR {groundwater quality} OR {groundwater pollution} OR {grey water} OR {green water} OR {freshwater resources} OR {freshwater ecosystems} OR {freshwater availability} OR {fresh water availability} OR {fresh water} OR {equitable sanitation} OR {drinking water treatment plants} OR {drinking water treatment} OR {drinking water supply} OR {drinking water supplies} OR {drinking water sources} OR {drinking water services} OR {drinking water quality} OR {drinking water distribution systems} OR {drinking water distribution} OR {drinking water} OR {domestic wastewater treatment} OR {domestic wastewater} OR desalination OR {dairy farm wastewater} OR {clean water} OR {clean drinking water} OR {chemical oxygen demand} OR {blue water} OR {black water} OR aquifer OR {aquatic environment} OR {aquatic ecosystems} OR {affordable drinking water} OR {advanced wastewater treatment} OR {activated sludge process} OR {activated sludge} OR ( ( {waste water} OR {waste water} ) AND treatment AND ( {water pollution} OR {water pollutant} ) ) OR ( ( {pollution remediation} OR {pollutant removal} ) AND {water management} AND water ) OR ( {water-use efficiency} AND {sanitation or hygiene} AND water ) OR ( {water toxicology or water ecotoxicology} AND {sanitation or hygiene} AND water ) OR ( {water supply or water supplies} AND {sanitation or hygiene} AND water ) OR ( {water management} AND {sanitation or hygiene} AND water ) OR ( ( {anti-fouling membranes} OR {antifouling membranes} OR {anti-fouling membrane} OR {antifouling membrane} ) AND {sanitation or hygiene} AND water ) OR ( {water-use efficiency} AND resource AND water ) OR ( {water toxicology or water ecotoxicology} AND resource AND water ) OR ( ( {water supply} OR {water supplies} ) AND resource AND water ) OR ( {water management} AND resource AND water ) OR ( ( {anti-fouling membranes} OR {antifouling membranes} OR {anti-fouling membrane} OR {antifouling membrane} ) AND resource AND water ) OR ( {water-use efficiency} AND quality AND water ) OR ( ( {water toxicology} OR {water ecotoxicology} ) AND quality AND water ) OR ( ( {water supply} OR {water supplies} ) AND quality AND water ) OR ( {water management} AND quality AND water ) OR ( ( {anti-fouling membranes} OR {antifouling membranes} OR {anti-fouling membrane} OR {antifouling membrane} ) AND quality AND water ) OR ( ( {sustainable withdrawals} OR {sustainable supply} ) AND freshwater ) OR ( ( {water access} OR {drinking water} ) AND safe ) OR ( ( wetland* OR aquifer* ) AND restor* ) OR ( ecosystem* AND water AND restor* ) OR ( ( wetland* OR aquifer* ) AND protect* ) OR ( ecosystem* AND water AND protect* ) OR ( sanitation AND water AND {official development assistance} ) OR ( ( {water use} OR {water uses} ) AND freshwater ) OR ( treatment AND ( {water shortage} OR {water security} ) AND freshwater ) OR ( ( pollution OR pollutant OR contamina* ) AND {water quality} AND freshwater ) OR ( {water purification} AND freshwater ) OR ( {water pollution} AND freshwater ) OR ( {water infrastructure} AND freshwater ) OR ( {water footprint} AND freshwater ) OR ( {water conservation} AND freshwater ) OR ( treatment AND ( {waste water} OR {waste water} ) AND freshwater ) OR ( sewer* AND freshwater ) OR ( sanit* AND freshwater ) OR ( (( ground-water OR groundwater OR ground) AND water ) AND freshwater ) OR ( ( pollution OR pollutant OR contamina* ) AND {water quality} AND freshwater ) OR ( ( {water source} OR {drinking water} ) AND clean ) OR ( {safe drinking water} AND access ) OR ( ({protection of} AND {eco-system or ecosystem} AND water) NOT marine ) OR (( ( {endocrine disruptor} OR {endocrine disruptors} ) AND ( eco-system* OR ecosystem* ) AND water) NOT marine )) NOT {global burden of disease study}"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-07","query_id":7,"query":"( {wind turbines} OR {wind turbine system} OR {wind turbine power curve} OR {wind turbine generators} OR {wind turbine generator system} OR {wind turbine generator} OR {wind turbine blades} OR {wind turbine blade} OR {wind turbine} OR {wind power systems} OR {wind power system} OR {wind power plants} OR {wind power plant} OR {wind power penetration} OR {wind power integration} OR {wind power generator} OR {wind power generation systems} OR {wind power generation system} OR {wind power generation} OR {wind power development} OR {wind power} OR {wind farms} OR {wind farm} OR {wind energy systems} OR {wind energy system} OR {wind energy conversion system} OR {wind energy conversion} OR {wind energy} OR {water splitting} OR {vertical axis wind turbine} OR {variable speed wind turbines} OR {variable speed wind turbine} OR {thermal power plants} OR {thermal energy storage} OR {thermal energy} OR {sustainable energy services} OR {sustainable energy} OR {superconducting magnetic energy storage} OR {solar radiation and electricity} OR {solar power} OR {solar energy conversion efficiency} OR {solar energy conversion} OR {solar energy} OR {solar cells} OR {solar cell} OR {smart power grids} OR {smart micro-grids} OR {smart microgrids} OR {smart micro-grid} OR {smart microgrid} OR {smart meters} OR {smart meter} OR {smart grids} OR {smart grid technology} OR {smart grid technologies} OR {smart grid} OR {rural electrification} OR {renewable power} OR {renewable energy technologies} OR {renewable energy systems} OR {renewable energy system} OR {renewable energy sources} OR {renewable energy source} OR {renewable energy resources} OR {renewable energy production} OR {renewable energy generation} OR {renewable energy} OR {renewable energies} OR {reliable energy} OR {reliable electricity} OR {power consumption} OR {polymer solar cells} OR {plugin hybrid electric vehicles} OR {plugin hybrid electric vehicle} OR {plugin electric vehicles} OR {photovoltaic system} OR {photovoltaic cells} OR photovoltaic OR {photoelectrochemical water splitting} OR {photoelectrochemical pec water splitting} OR {photochemistry and renewable energy} OR {photocatalytic water splitting} OR {photocatalytic activity} OR {perovskite solar cells} OR {permanent magnet synchronous generator} OR {organic solar cells} OR {offshore wind turbines} OR {offshore wind farms} OR {offshore wind farm} OR {offshore wind energy} OR {official development assistance and electricity} OR {national renewable energy laboratory} OR {modern energy} OR {modern electricity} OR {maximum power point tracking} OR {low-carbon society} OR {lithium-ion battery} OR {lithium-ion batteries} OR {lithium ion battery} OR {lithium ion batteries} OR {large-scale wind power integration} OR {large scale wind power} OR {intermittent renewable energy sources} OR {intermittent renewable energy} OR {hydrogen production} OR {hydroelectric power} OR hydroelectric OR {hybrid renewable energy systems} OR {hybrid renewable energy system} OR {hybrid power system} OR {hybrid power generation system} OR {hybrid energy system} OR {hybrid energy storage system} OR {hybrid energy storage} OR {hybrid energy} OR {hybrid electric vehicles} OR {hybrid electric vehicle} OR {horizontal axis wind turbines} OR {horizontal axis wind turbine} OR {home energy management system} OR {heat network} OR {galloping-based piezoelectric energy harvester} OR {galloping based piezoelectric energy harvester} OR {fuel switching} OR {fuel poverty} OR {fuel cells} OR {fuel cell} OR {foreign development aid and renewable energy} OR {energy transition} OR {energy technology} OR {energy storage systems} OR {energy storage system} OR {energy storage} OR {energy security} OR {energy research} OR {energy poverty} OR {energy policy} OR {energy management system} OR {energy ladder} OR {energy justice} OR {energy intensity and primary energy} OR {energy intensity and gdp} OR {energy infrastructure} OR {energy governance} OR {energy equity} OR {energy efficiency} OR {energy development and developing countries} OR {energy conversion system} OR {energy conservation} OR {energy access} OR energiewende OR {electromagnetic energy harvester} OR {electric vehicles} OR {electric vehicle} OR {dye-sensitized solar cells} OR {domestic energy consumption} OR {district heating} OR {district heat} OR {diffuser augmented wind turbine} OR {diffuser-augmented wind turbine} OR {dielectric elastomer generators} OR {concentrated solar power} OR {compressed air energy storage} OR {cleaner fossil-fuel technology} OR {cleaner fossil fuel technology} OR {clean fuels} OR {clean fuel technology} OR {clean fuel} OR {clean energy technology} OR {clean energy research} OR {clean energy development} OR {clean energy} OR {clean cooking fuel} OR {bulk heterojunction solar cells} OR {blade element momentum theory} OR biofuel OR {battery energy storage systems} OR {battery energy storage system} OR {battery energy storage} OR {battery electric vehicles} OR {alternative energy sources} OR {alternative energy} OR {affordable energy} OR {affordable electricity} OR {advanced fossil-fuel technology} OR {2000 watt society} OR {electric bus} OR {plug-in hybrid electric bus} OR {geothermal energy} OR {commercial nuclear fuel} OR {nuclear power station} OR {external quantum efficiency} OR {phase change material} OR OR {solar chimney} OR {global energy balance} OR biodiesel OR {emulsified fuel} OR {nearly zero energy buildings} OR ( biogas AND energy ) OR ( biogas AND {anaerobic digestion} ) OR ( {low-carbon} AND energy ) OR ( {solar radiation} AND electricity ) OR ( photochemistry AND {renewable energy} ) OR ( {official development assistance} AND electricity ) OR ( {foreign development aid} AND {renewable energy} ) OR ( {energy intensity} AND {primary energy} ) OR ( {energy intensity} AND {gdp} ) OR ( {energy development} AND {developing countries} ) ) NOT ( {wireless sensor network} OR {wireless sensor networks} OR trafficking OR labour OR labor OR disease )"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-08","query_id":8,"query":"( {youth unemployment} OR {youth minimum wage} OR {youth employment} OR {world trade} OR {work opportunities} OR {unemployment rate} OR unemployment OR {trade union movement} OR {tourism employment} OR {tourism economics} OR {total factor productivity growth} OR {total factor productivity} OR {the international labour organization} OR {the enhanced integrated framework for trade-related technical assistance to least developed countries} OR {the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production} OR {tfp growth} OR {sustainable tourism policy} OR {sustainable tourism development} OR {sustainable tourism} OR {sustainable growth} OR {sustainable economic growth} OR {sustainable economic development} OR {sustainable economic} OR {starting entrepreneurs} OR {starting entrepreneur} OR {stable jobs} OR {stable employment} OR {socio-economic development} OR {social entrepreneurship} OR {small, medium and micro enterprises} OR {small entrepreneurs} OR {small entrepreneur} OR {small enterprises} OR {small enterprise} OR {small- and medium-sized enterprises} OR {small and medium-sized enterprises} OR {small and medium-sized enterprise} OR {small and medium enterprises} OR {small and medium enterprise} OR {secure working environments} OR {secure work} OR {safe working environments} OR {safe working environment} OR {safe work} OR {rural economy} OR {resource efficiency} OR {real gross domestic product} OR {real gdp} OR {rate of economic growth} OR {quality jobs} OR {quality job} OR {productive employment} OR {precarious jobs} OR {precarious job} OR {precarious employment} OR {per capita gross domestic product} OR {per capita gdp} OR {offset projects} OR {offset project} OR {not in education, employment, or training} OR {non-fatal occupational injuries} OR {modern slavery} OR {minimum wage} OR {migrant workers} OR {microfinance institutions} OR microfinance OR micro-financ* OR microfinanc* OR micro-enterprises OR micro-enterprise* OR microenterprise* OR micro-credit* OR microcredit* OR {micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises} OR {micro, small and medium enterprises} OR {micro finance} OR {micro and small enterprises} OR {medium entrepreneurs} OR {medium entrepreneur} OR {medium enterprises} OR {medium enterprise} OR {material footprint} OR {low-carbon economy} OR {local economic development policy} OR {local economic development} OR {living wage} OR {labour rights} OR {labour right} OR {labour markets} OR {labour market institutions} OR {labour market institution} OR {labour market disparities} OR {labour market} OR {labor rights} OR {labor right} OR {labor markets} OR {labor market institutions} OR {labor market institution} OR {labor market} OR {job destruction} OR {job creation} OR {international labour organization} OR {informal employment} OR {inclusive growth} OR {inclusive economy} OR {inclusive economic growth} OR {human trafficking} OR {human capital economic growth} OR {gross domestic product per capita} OR {gross domestic product growth} OR {global jobs pact} OR {global jobs} OR {gdp per capita} OR {gdp growth} OR {full employment} OR {foreign development investment} OR {forced labour} OR {forced labor} OR {financial inclusion} OR {financial development trade openness} OR {financial access} OR {fatal occupational injuries} OR {equal wages} OR {equal pay for work of equal value} OR {equal income} OR entrepreneurship OR {employment protection} OR {employment policy} OR {employment opportunities} OR {employment contracts act} OR ecotourism OR {economic productivity} OR {economic impact} OR {economic growths} OR {economic growth rates} OR {economic growth rate} OR {economic growth electricity consumption} OR {economic growth} OR {economic globalization} OR {economic globalisation} OR {economic diversification} OR {economic development strategy} OR {economic development strategies} OR {economic development policy} OR {economic development level} OR {economic development} OR {economic decoupling} OR {economic benefits} OR {economic activity} OR {economic activities} OR {domestic material consumption} OR {domestic financial institutions} OR {decent work} OR {decent jobs} OR {decent job} OR {cradle to cradle and economy} OR {computable general equilibrium model} OR {computable general equilibrium} OR {community-based tourism} OR {child labour} OR {child labor} OR {cge model} OR {carbon offsetting} OR {carbon offsets} OR {carbon offset} OR {average hourly earnings} OR {aid for trade} OR {active labour market policies} OR {access to banking} OR {job satisfaction} OR {employment growth} OR {sex trafficking} OR {cross-country growth} OR ( incentive AND job* ) OR ( {low-carbon economy} AND {economic growth or gdp} ) OR ( touris* AND {gdp} ) OR ( {renewable energy} AND {economic growth} ) OR ( {trade openness} AND {economic growth} ) OR ( {electricity consumption} AND {economic growth} ) OR ( {financial development} AND {economic growth} ) OR ( {general equilibrium model} AND econ* ) OR ( {negative impact} AND {economic growth} ) OR ( {sustainable tourism} AND {gdp} ) OR ( tourism AND {economic growth} ) OR ( {tourism development} AND {gdp} ) OR ( employment AND {economic growth} ) OR ( productivity AND {economic growth} ) OR ( {growth rate} AND {gdp} ) ) NOT ( {natural disaster} OR {natural disasters} OR geomagneti* )"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-09","query_id":9,"query":"( ( ( susbtainab* OR resillien* ) AND industr* ) OR micromachining OR OR {fourth industrial revolution} OR {3d printing} OR ( ( electricity OR power OR energy ) AND infrastructur* ) OR {research and development} OR {r&d} OR {agile manufacturing} OR OR ( robot* AND ( industr* OR manufacturing ) ) OR {computer-aided design} OR {computer aided design} OR {computer aided design} OR cad OR {computer numerical control} OR cnc OR {adaptive machining} OR ( infrastructur* AND transport* ) OR {low impact urban design and development} OR {value chain management} OR {transportation services} OR {transborder infrastructures} OR {transborder infrastructure} OR {the national innovation system} OR {technology innovation} OR {technological innovation} OR {sustainable manufacturing} OR {sustainable infrastructure} OR {sustainable industrialisation} OR {small-scale industries} OR {small entrepreneurs} OR {small entrepreneur} OR {small enterprises} OR {small enterprise} OR {resource-use efficiency} OR {resilient infrastructures} OR {resilient infrastructure} OR {regional innovation system} OR {regional infrastructure} OR {r&d investment} OR {public infrastructures} OR {public infrastructure} OR {product process innovations} OR {product innovation} OR {process innovation} OR micro-enterprise* OR microenterprise* OR {medium entrepreneurs} OR {medium entrepreneur} OR {medium enterprises} OR {medium enterprise} OR {manufacturing value} OR {manufacturing investment} OR {manufacturing innovation} OR {manufacturing industry} OR {manufacturing firms} OR {manufacturing employment} OR {innovation system} OR {innovation processes} OR {innovation management} OR {infrastructure investment} OR {infrastructure development} OR {infrastructural investment} OR {infrastructural development} OR {information and communications technology for development} OR {industry 4.0} OR {industrial waste treatment} OR {industrial waste management} OR {industrial performance} OR {industrial growth} OR {industrial diversification} OR {industrial development} OR {inclusive transportation} OR {inclusive innovation} OR ict4d OR {ict infrastructure} OR {green products} OR {green product} OR {foster innovation} OR {environmentally sound technologies} OR {environmentally sound industrial processes} OR {domestic technology development} OR {community innovation survey} OR {closed loop supply chain} OR {clean technologies} OR {clean industrial processes} OR {asian infrastructure investment bank} OR {accessible transportation} OR {access to the internet} OR {mass customization} OR ( (mold* OR mould*) AND manufacturing ) OR {rapid prototyping} OR {manufacturing technology} OR {industry shifts} OR {unconventional machining processes} OR {laser melting} OR {manufacturing processes} OR {additive manufacturing} OR {laser sintering} OR {local manufacturing} OR {production emissions} OR {industry emissions} OR {downstream processing} OR {vacuum assisted casting } OR {manufacturing process} OR {industrial robot} OR {vehicular technology} OR {vehicular technologies} OR {charging infrastructure} OR {micro machining} OR {vehicular networks} OR micro-machining OR {sustainable building} OR ( rural AND {ict} ) OR ( {rural} AND {internet} ) OR ( industrial AND innovation ) OR ( {inclusive or sustainable} AND industrialization ) OR ( access AND {information and communications technology} ) OR ( {broadband access} AND {developing countries} ) OR ( {conducive policy} AND {industrial diversification} ) OR ( {conducive policy} AND {inter alia} ) OR ( {conducive policy} AND {value addition} ) OR ( {cradle to cradle} AND industry ) OR ( development AND {information communication technology} ) OR ( development AND {small medium enterprises} ) OR ( {industrial emissions} AND mitigation ) OR ( {official development assistance} AND infrastructure* ) OR ( {official international support} AND infrastructure* ) OR ( {product} AND {process innovation} ) OR ( {retrofit industries} AND sustainable ) OR ( {upgrade infrastructure} AND sustainable ) OR ( access AND {information and communications technologies} ) OR ( access AND {information and communication technology} ) OR ( access AND {information and communication technologies} ) OR ( access AND ict ) ) NOT ( {global burden of disease study} )"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-10","query_id":10,"query":"( {wage protection policies} OR {universal health coverage} OR {socioeconomic status} OR {socioeconomic position} OR {socioeconomic inequality} OR {socioeconomic inequalities} OR {socioeconomic deprivation} OR {social welfare} OR {social stigma} OR {social security} OR {social responsibility} OR {social protection policy} OR {social protection policies} OR {social protection} OR {social justice} OR {social isolation} OR {social inequality} OR {social inequalities} OR {social inclusion} OR {social exclusion} OR {social economic} OR {social dominance orientation } OR {social dominance orientation} OR {social dominance} OR {social discrimination} OR {social class} OR {sexual minority} OR sexism OR {responsible migration} OR {remittance costs} OR {remittance corridors} OR {reduce inequalities} OR racism OR {preferential trade agreements} OR {political inclusion} OR {official development assistance} OR {migration policy} OR {migration policies} OR {migrant remittances} OR {migrant remittance} OR {lower socioeconomic status} OR {lower socioeconomic} OR {low socioeconomic status} OR {low socioeconomic} OR lgbt OR {labour share} OR {international humanitarian law} OR {international human rights treaties} OR {international human rights standards} OR {international human rights law} OR {international human rights} OR {income inequality} OR {income growth} OR {human rights violations} OR {human rights law} OR {human rights abuses} OR {human rights abuse} OR {human dignity} OR {household income inequality} OR {hostile sexism} OR homophobia OR {healthcare disparities} OR {health status disparities} OR {health inequalities} OR {health disparity} OR {health disparities} OR {health care disparity} OR {health care access} OR {gender inequality} OR {gender equality} OR {gender differences} OR {foreign investment} OR {foreign direct investment } OR {foreign direct investment} OR {foreign aid} OR {fiscal protection policies} OR {financial soundness indicators} OR {financial assistance} OR {female genital mutilation } OR {ethnic minority} OR {equal opportunity} OR {equal opportunities} OR {economic transformation} OR {economic reform policy} OR {economic reform policies} OR {economic marginalisation} OR {economic marginalization} OR {economic inequality} OR {economic inclusion} OR {economic empowerment} OR {discriminatory practices} OR {discriminatory policy} OR {discriminatory policies} OR {discriminatory law} OR {discriminatory laws} OR {development gaps} OR {development gap} OR {development assistance} OR {corporate social responsibility} OR {bilateral investment treaties} OR {bilateral foreign direct investment} OR {benevolent sexism} OR {ambivalent sexism theory} OR {ambivalent sexism} OR ageism OR {affordable housing} OR {health inequities} OR {workforce diversity} OR {market transparency} OR {sunshine trading} OR {financial stability} OR ( {financial inclusion} AND economic* ) OR ( discrimination AND immigrant ) OR ( ( disparit* OR equali* ) AND {sex difference} ) OR ( ( disparit* OR equali* ) AND {social support} ) OR ( ( disparit* OR equali* ) AND homosexuality ) OR ( ( inclusion OR exclusion ) AND disabilit* ) OR ( ( law OR legal OR legislat* ) AND {human rights} ) OR ( equali* AND feminism ) OR ( zero-tariff AND {least developed countries} ) OR ( socio-economic AND inequality ) OR ( financial AND inequality ) OR ( economic* AND inequality ) OR ( equali* AND {indigenous people} ) OR ( equali* AND indigenous ) OR ( immigration NOT disease ) OR ( migration NOT chemistry ) OR ( immigration NOT biodiversity ) OR ( {household expenditure} AND growth* ) OR ( {global market} AND empowerment ) OR ( socio-economic AND equality ) OR ( financial AND equality ) OR ( economic* AND equality ) OR ( emigration NOT disease ) OR ( emigration NOT chemistry ) OR ( emigration NOT biodiversity ) OR ( emigration NOT immigration ) OR ( zero-tariff AND {developing countries} ) OR ( zero-tariff AND developing ) OR ( ( tariff OR tariffs ) AND developing ) OR ( {duty-free access} AND developing ) ) NOT ( pregnancy OR {climate change} )"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-11","query_id":11,"query":"( ( city OR cities OR {human settlement} OR {human settlements} OR urban* OR metropoli* OR town* OR municipal OR railway OR bridge* OR airport* OR building* OR road* OR traffic* OR transportation* OR pollut* OR disaster* OR waste* ) AND ({zero-energy buildings} OR {zero-energy building} OR {zero energy buildings} OR {zero energy building} OR wwtps OR wwtp OR {water pollutant} OR {wastewater treatment plants} OR {wastewater treatment plants} OR {wastewater treatment plant} OR {wastewater treatment} OR {waste water management} OR {waste water} OR {waste treatment} OR {waste management system} OR {waste management} OR {waste incineration} OR {volatile organic compounds} OR {volatile organic compound} OR urbanization OR urbani?ation OR {urban transportation} OR {urban transport} OR {urban traffic} OR {urban sustainability} OR {urban public transport} OR {urban policy} OR {urban policies} OR {urban planning management} OR {urban planning development} OR {urban morphology} OR {urban housing} OR {urban growth} OR {urban green spaces} OR {urban environments} OR {urban environment} OR {urban development} OR {urban design} OR {urban air quality} OR {urban air pollution} OR {urban air} OR unesco OR {transportation systems} OR {transportation system} OR transportation OR {transport systems} OR {town planning} OR {total suspended solids} OR {total solids} OR {total municipal waste} OR {the sendai framework for disaster risk reduction} OR {territorial development} OR {sustainable urbanization} OR {sustainable urbanisation} OR {sustainable urban planning} OR {sustainable urban development} OR {sustainable city} OR {sustainable city} OR {sustainable cities} OR {sustainable buildings} OR {sustainable building} OR {solid waste management systems} OR {solid waste management system} OR {solid waste management} OR {solid waste incineration} OR {solid waste} OR {smart city services} OR {smart city development} OR {smart city concept} OR {smart city} OR {smart cities} OR slums OR slum* OR {sendai framework} OR {resource efficiency} OR {resilient buildings} OR {resilient buildings} OR {resilient building} OR {residential development} OR {residential areas} OR {regional air quality} OR recycling OR {public transport users} OR {public transport systems} OR {public transport system} OR {public transport} OR {public transit} OR {public spaces} OR {public spaces} OR {public space} OR pollution OR pollutant* OR pm2.5 OR pm10 OR {particulate matter} OR {participatory planning} OR {organic fraction of municipal solid waste} OR {nature inclusive buildings} OR {nature inclusive building} OR {nature inclusive} OR {natural heritage} OR {national ambient air quality standards} OR {municipal wastewater treatment plants} OR {municipal wastewater treatment plant} OR {municipal wastewater treatment} OR {municipal wastewater} OR {municipal solid wastes} OR {municipal solid wastes} OR {municipal solid waste management} OR {municipal solid waste landfill} OR {municipal solid waste incinerators} OR {municipal solid waste incinerator} OR {municipal solid waste incineration} OR {municipal solid waste generation} OR {municipal solid waste} OR {municipal solid waste} OR {multiscale air quality model} OR {moving bed biofilm reactor} OR {membrane bioreactor} OR {low impact urban design development} OR {local fiscal space} OR {local air quality} OR {local air pollution} OR liudd OR {levels of air pollution} OR {intelligent transportation system} OR {informal settlements} OR {indoor air quality} OR inclusiveness OR {inclusive urbanization} OR {inadequate housing} OR {human settlements} OR housing OR {greenhouse gas emissions} OR {green spaces} OR {green spaces} OR {green space} OR governance OR {ghg emissions} OR gentrification OR {fine particulate matter} OR {exposure to air pollution} OR {environmental footprint} OR {ecological footprint} OR {disaster strategy} OR {disaster risk reduction strategies} OR {disaster risk reduction} OR {disaster risk management} OR {disaster management} OR disaster OR {development planning} OR {cultural heritage} OR congestion OR {collaborative planning} OR {city planning} OR {citizen participation} OR {circular economy} OR {bus rapid transit} OR {buildings design} OR {building design} OR {black carbon} OR {basic services} OR {basic service} OR {atmospheric pollution} OR {ambient fine particulate matter} OR {ambient air quality monitoring} OR {ambient air quality} OR {ambient air pollution} OR {ambient air} OR {air quality monitoring stations} OR {air quality monitoring station} OR {air quality monitoring network} OR {air quality monitoring} OR {air quality model} OR {air quality management} OR {air quality index} OR {air quality} OR {air pollution monitoring} OR {air pollution model} OR {air pollution levels} OR {air pollution levels} OR {air pollution index} OR {air pollution exposure} OR {air pollution exposure} OR {air pollution control measures} OR {air pollution} OR {air pollutants} OR {air pollutant} OR {affordable housing} OR {aerosol optical thickness} OR {activated sludge} OR {railway bridge} OR {passive house} OR {road traffic accidents} OR {transport planning} OR smog OR {natural disaster} OR {urban freight} OR {sustainable transportation} OR {road planning} OR {heating, ventilation and air conditioning} OR {traffic safety} OR {road safety} OR tunnel* OR {indoor air quality} OR {buildings and energy efficiency} OR {zero waste} OR {sustainable architecture} OR ( {urban planning} NOT {coastal management} ) OR ( {traffic congestion} AND {air pollution} ) OR ( {particulate matter} AND {aerodynamic diameter} ) OR ( {land consumption} AND {population growth} ) OR ( {health effects} AND {air pollution} ) OR ( {urban areas} AND {air quality} ) OR ( {human health} AND {air quality} ) OR ( {urban areas} AND {air pollution} ) OR ( {public health} AND {air pollution} ) OR ( {particulate matter} AND {air pollution} ) OR ( {public transport} AND {accessibility} ) )) NOT ( aquatic OR benthic OR benthos )"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-12","query_id":12,"query":"( {zero waste} OR wwtps OR wwtp OR {water pollution} OR {wastewater treatment plants} OR {wastewater treatment plant} OR {wastewater treatment} OR {wasteful consumption} OR {waste treatment} OR {waste recycling} OR {waste management systems} OR {waste management system} OR {waste management} OR {waste generation} OR {volatile fatty acids} OR {volatile fatty acid} OR {toxic chemicals} OR {toxic chemical} OR {the resource conservation recovery act} OR {the organic fraction of municipal solid waste} OR {the 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns} OR {sustainable tourism development} OR {sustainable tourism} OR {sustainable supply chain} OR {sustainable resource use} OR {sustainable public procurement policies} OR {sustainable public procurement} OR {sustainable production patterns} OR {sustainable production} OR {sustainable procurement} OR {sustainable practices} OR {sustainable management} OR {sustainable food consumption} OR {sustainable consumption production} OR {sustainable consumption patterns} OR {sustainable consumption} OR {sustainability labelling} OR {sustainability label} OR {solid waste management systems} OR {solid waste management system} OR {solid waste management} OR {solid waste incineration} OR {solid waste generation} OR {solid waste disposal} OR {solid waste} OR {societal metabolism} OR {sewage sludge} OR {responsible production chains} OR {resource spill} OR {resource reuse} OR {resource recycling} OR {resource efficiency} OR {renewable energy-generating} OR {renewable energy technologies} OR {reduce waste generation} OR {power conversion efficiency} OR {potential environmental impacts} OR {post-harvest losses} OR {phase change materials} OR {phase change material} OR {pesticide stress} OR {pesticide reduction} OR {pesticide pollution} OR {persistent organic pollutants} OR {ozone depletion} OR overconsumption OR {organic fraction of municipal solid waste} OR {national recycling rate} OR {municipal wastewater treatment plants} OR {municipal wastewater treatment plant} OR {municipal wastewater treatment} OR {municipal solid wastes} OR {municipal solid waste management} OR {municipal solid waste incineration} OR {municipal solid waste generation} OR {municipal solid waste} OR {multilateral environmental agreements} OR {monitoring sustainable development} OR {material footprint} OR {material flow analysis} OR {material flow accounting} OR {market distortions} OR {low-carbon economy} OR {low carbon economy} OR {low power consumption} OR {low carbon economy} OR {life-cycle analysis} OR {life-cycle analyses} OR {life cycle impact assessment} OR {life cycle energy analysis} OR {life cycle assessment} OR {life cycle analysis} OR {life cycle analyses} OR {integrated solid waste management} OR {industrial waste} OR {hydraulic retention time} OR {household food waste} OR {heavy metal pollution} OR {hazardous waste management} OR {hazardous waste} OR {hazardous chemicals} OR {hazardous chemical} OR {harvest losses} OR {harvest efficiency} OR {green supply chain management} OR {green consumption} OR {green computing} OR {global resource extraction} OR {global food waste} OR {global citizenship education} OR {fossil-fuel subsidies} OR {fossil-fuel expenditure} OR {fossil fuel subsidies} OR {food waste index} OR {food waste} OR {food spill} OR {food losses} OR {food loss index} OR {food loss} OR {environmental technology} OR {environmental pollution} OR {environmental policy} OR {environmental life cycle assessment} OR {environmental impact categories} OR {environmental impact assessment} OR {environmental footprint} OR {energy utilization} OR {energy savings} OR {energy saving} OR {energy management systems} OR {energy management} OR {energy efficient} OR {energy efficiency buildings} OR {energy efficiency} OR {energy conservation} OR {efficient use of resources} OR {education for sustainable development} OR {domestic material consumption} OR {deep decarbonization} OR {deep decarbonisation} OR {cradle to cradle} OR {corporate sustainability} OR {corporate social responsibility} OR {consumer behaviours} OR {consumer behaviour} OR {consumer behaviors} OR {consumer behavior} OR {combined heat and power} OR {circular economy} OR {chemical pollution} OR {building energy management} OR {building energy efficiency} OR {biochemical methane potential} OR {biobased economy} OR {bio-based economy} OR {anaerobic digestion} OR {plastics recycling} OR {clean cooking energy} OR {chemical recycling} OR {carbon footprint} OR {sustainable biomass} OR {solid waste treatment} OR {waste forms} OR landfill OR landfills OR ( {supply chain} AND decarbon* ) OR ( {water pollutants} AND chemical ) OR ( education AND {sustainable development} ) OR ( production AND consumption AND sustainable ) OR ( {public procurement} AND sustainable ) OR ( spill AND production ) OR ( {resource use} AND production ) OR ( ( {heavy metal} OR {heavy metals} ) AND pollut* ) OR ( {hazardous waste} AND treatment ) OR ( {efficient use} AND {natural resources} ) OR ( spill AND consumption ) OR ( {resource use} AND consumption ) ) NOT ( {wireless sensor network} OR {wireless sensor networks} OR {wireless network} OR {wireless networks} OR wireless OR disease OR astrophysics OR ( {energy consumption} AND vehicle ) )"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-13","query_id":13,"query":"( {urban climates} OR {urban climate} OR {the united nations framework convention on climate change} OR {the sendai framework for disaster risk reduction 2015--2030} OR {the paris agreement} OR {the kyoto protocol} OR {southern oscillation index} OR {seal-level rise} OR {sea level rise} OR {sea surface temperature} OR {sea level rise} OR {sea level change} OR {sea level} OR {sea ice loss} OR {rising sea levels} OR {rising sea level} OR {rising sea} OR {regional climates} OR {regional climate models} OR {regional climate model} OR {regional climate} OR {ocean warming} OR {nitrous oxide emissions} OR {n2o emissions} OR {marine isotope stage} OR {la niã} OR {interdecadal pacific oscillation} OR {indian ocean dipole} OR {ice loss} OR {greenhouse gases emissions} OR {greenhouse gases emission} OR {greenhouse gases} OR {greenhouse gas emissions} OR {greenhouse gas emission} OR {greenhouse gas} OR {green climate fund} OR {global warming potential} OR {global warming} OR {global temperature} OR {global mean temperature} OR {global climate models} OR {global climate model} OR {ghg emission} OR {extreme weather events} OR {extreme weather} OR {el niño-southern oscillation} OR {el nino-southern oscillation} OR {el niño/southern oscillation} OR {el nino/southern oscillation} OR {el niño southern oscillation} OR {el nino southern oscillation} OR {el niño} OR eco-climatology OR ecoclimate* OR {disaster risk reduction strategies} OR {disaster risk reduction} OR {cop 22} OR {cop 21} OR {co2 emissions} OR {co2 emission} OR {co2 capture} OR {climate warming} OR {climate variations} OR {climate variation} OR {climate variability} OR {climate tipping point} OR {climate signals} OR {climate signal} OR {climate services} OR {climate service} OR {climate risks} OR {climate risk} OR {climate related hazards} OR {climate predictions} OR {climate prediction} OR {climate policy} OR {climate policies} OR {climate models} OR {climate modelling} OR {climate modeling} OR {climate model} OR {climate mitigation} OR {climate justice} OR {climate investment} OR {climate impacts} OR {climate impact} OR {climate hazards} OR {climate governance} OR {climate forcing} OR {climate finance} OR {climate feedback} OR {climate equity} OR {climate effect} OR {climate early warning} OR {climate changes} OR {climate change scenarios} OR {climate change risks} OR {climate change risk} OR {climate change policy} OR {climate change policies} OR {climate change planning} OR {climate change mitigation strategies} OR {climate change mitigation policy} OR {climate change mitigation policies} OR {climate change mitigation} OR {climate change management} OR {climate change impacts} OR {climate change impact} OR {climate change financing} OR {climate change effects} OR {climate change adaptation strategy} OR {climate change adaptation strategies} OR {climate change adaptation policy} OR {climate change adaptation policies} OR {climate change adaptation planning} OR {climate change adaptation measures} OR {climate change adaptation} OR {climate change} OR {climate capitalism} OR {climate adaptation} OR {climate action} OR {clean development mechanism} OR {change adaptation strategies} OR {carbon footprint} OR {carbon emissions} OR {carbon dioxide emissions} OR {carbon dioxide emission} OR {carbon capture} OR {average global temperature} OR {atmospheric co2} OR {atmospheric carbon dioxide} OR {anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions} OR {anthropogenic greenhouse gas} OR {anthropogenic climate change} OR {anthropogenic climate} OR {antarctic cold reversal} OR {acclimatization thermal strain index} OR ( planning AND {climate change} ) OR ( mitigation AND {climate change} ) OR ( management AND {climate change} ) OR ( {impact reduction} AND {climate change} ) OR ( {early warning} AND {climate change} ) OR ( adaptation AND {climate change} ) OR ( warming AND climate ) OR ( {unfccc} AND climate ) OR ( {thermal expansion} AND climate ) OR ( {sustainable development education} AND climate ) OR ( {small island developing states} AND climate ) OR ( {sea levels} AND climate ) OR ( {sea level} AND climate ) OR ( {sea ice} AND climate ) OR ( {radiative forcing} AND climate ) OR ( production AND climate ) OR ( politics AND climate ) OR ( ozone AND climate ) OR ( {ocean acidification} AND climate ) OR ( {nitrogen cycles} AND climate ) OR ( {nitrogen cycle} AND climate ) OR ( natural AND disaster AND climate ) OR ( natural AND disasters AND climate ) OR ( megacit* AND climate ) OR ( {land use} AND climate ) OR ( island* AND climate ) OR ( {ice-ocean interactions} AND climate ) OR ( {ice-ocean interaction} AND climate ) OR ( hazard* AND climate ) OR ( {greenhouse} AND climate ) OR ( {glacier retreat} AND climate ) OR ( {framework} AND climate ) OR ( {food chains} AND climate ) OR ( {food chain} AND climate ) OR ( {extreme} AND climate ) OR ( {environmental education} AND climate ) OR ( {energy conservation} AND climate ) OR ( emission* AND climate ) OR ( {disaster risk reduction} AND climate ) OR ( {decision-making} AND climate ) OR ( consumption AND climate ) OR ( {clean development mechanism} AND climate ) OR ( carbon AND climate ) OR ( bioeconomy AND climate ) OR ( awareness AND climate ) OR ( atmospher* AND climate ) OR ( anthropocene AND climate ) OR ( adaptive AND management AND climate ) OR ( seawater AND acidification ) ) NOT ( drug OR geomorphology )"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-14","query_id":14,"query":"(( marine OR ocean OR oceans OR sea OR seas OR coast OR mangrove OR offshore OR river OR aquatic OR lake* OR basin OR fish* OR ship OR ships OR {salt marsh} OR {salt marshes} OR aquaculture OR benthic OR pelagic OR {oil spill} ) AND ( {water cycles} OR {water cycle} OR {unregulated fishing} OR {united nations convention on the law of the sea} OR {traditional ecological knowledge} OR {total allowable catch} OR {the marine strategy framework directive} OR {the eu marine strategy framework directive} OR {sustainable yield} OR {sustainable fisheries} OR {species richness} OR {small-scale fisheries} OR {small-scale artisanal fishers} OR {small island development states} OR {seagrass meadows} OR {seagrass meadow} OR {seagrass beds} OR {seagrass bed} OR {sea grasses} OR seagrass OR {regional fisheries management organizations} OR {productive oceans} OR {plastic density debris} OR {plastic debris} OR {overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing} OR overfishing OR {okakari point marine reserve} OR {oceanic circulation models} OR {oceanic circulation modelling} OR {oceanic circulation modeling} OR {oceanic circulation model} OR {ocean biogeographic information system} OR {ocean acidification} OR {nutrient runoff} OR {nutrient pollution} OR {no-take zones} OR {no-take zone} OR {no-take marine reserves} OR {no-take marine reserve} OR {no-take marine protected areas} OR {no-take marine protected area} OR {marine technology} OR {marine stewardship council} OR {marine species} OR {marine spatial planning} OR {marine resources} OR {marine resource management} OR {marine reserves} OR {marine reserve} OR {marine quota} OR {marine protected areas} OR {marine protected area} OR {marine pollution} OR {marine plastic debris} OR {marine parks} OR {marine organisms} OR {marine natural products} OR {marine natural product} OR {marine mammals} OR {marine mammal species} OR {marine life} OR {marine land slide} OR {marine invertebrates} OR {marine invertebrate} OR {marine herbivorous fishes} OR {marine herbivorous fish} OR {marine habitats} OR {marine food webs} OR {marine food web} OR {marine fisheries} OR {marine fish} OR {marine environments} OR {marine environment} OR {marine ecosystems} OR {marine ecosystem} OR {marine economy} OR {marine debris} OR {marine conservation} OR {marine biodiversity} OR {marine areas} OR {marine acidity} OR marine OR {local fisheries} OR {law of the sea} OR {large marine ecosystems} OR {large marine ecosystem} OR {intergovernmental oceanographic commission criteria and guidelines on the transfer of marine technology} OR {integrated multi-trophic aquaculture} OR {integrated coastal zone management} OR {illegal fishing} OR ice-ocean OR {healthy oceans} OR {hauraki gulf marine park} OR {harmful algal blooms} OR {harmful algal bloom} OR {great barrier reef marine park} OR {great barrier reef} OR {fishing pressure} OR {fishing practices} OR {fishing effort} OR {fishery management} OR fishery OR {fisheries subsidies} OR {fisheries rights} OR {fishery rights} OR {fishing rights} OR {fisheries management} OR fisheries OR {fish stocks} OR {fish species} OR {fish populations} OR {exclusive economic zones} OR {exclusive economic zone} OR eutrophicat* OR ecotourism OR {ecosystem-based fisheries management} OR {ecological marine units} OR {destructive fishing} OR {coral triangle region} OR {coral reefs} OR {coral reef systems} OR {coral reef system} OR {coral reef fishes} OR {coral reef fish} OR {coral reef ecosystems} OR {coral reef ecosystem} OR {coral reef} OR {coral bleaching} OR {coral bleach} OR {convention for the conservation of antarctic marine living resources} OR {community-based conservation} OR {community based conservation} OR {common fisheries policy} OR {coastal marine ecosystems} OR {coastal management} OR {coastal habitats} OR {coastal habitat} OR {coastal eutrophication} OR {coastal environments} OR {coastal environment} OR {coastal ecotourism} OR {coastal ecosystems} OR {coastal ecosystem} OR {coastal biodiversity} OR {coastal areas} OR {biogeochemical cycles} OR {biogeochemical cycle} OR {baltic sea action plan} OR {artisanal fishers} OR {aquatic food webs} OR {aquatic ecosystems} OR aquaculture OR foodweb OR {food web} OR {marine mammal} OR mangrove OR {salt marsh} OR {coastal management} OR {coastal resource} OR pollut* OR toxic* OR {aquatic ecosystem} OR alga* OR kelp* OR ( {ecosystem-based} AND {marine areas } ) OR ( {fish stocks} AND {fisheries management} ) OR ( {environmental impact} AND ship ) )) NOT ( (paleoclimat* OR paleoceanograph* OR radiocarbon OR medicine OR aerosol OR {particulate matter} OR ambient) AND (air OR marine) AND (riser OR nutraceutical OR {functional food} OR dietetic OR geomorphologic ))"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-15","query_id":15,"query":"(( terrestrial OR land OR inland OR freshwater OR {fresh water} OR mountain* OR ecosystem* OR *forest* OR plateau OR soil* OR plant* OR bio* OR genetic* OR conservation* ) AND ( OR {gibberellic acid} OR phytoextraction OR OR OR {pest management} OR OR OR ( ( biodiversit* OR OR biosecurit* ) NOT ( marine OR sea OR ocean* ) ) OR {yellow river delta} OR {wildlife trafficking} OR {wildlife traffic} OR {wildlife products} OR {wildlife product} OR {wildlife markets} OR {wildlife market} OR wetlands OR wetland* OR {wetland ecosystems} OR {wetland ecosystem} OR {water sensitive design} OR {wastewater treatment plants} OR {vegetation types} OR {vegetation cover} OR {vegetation communities} OR usle OR {universal soil loss equation} OR {tropical rainfall measuring mission} OR {tropical forests} OR {trophic web} OR {trophic level} OR {trophic cascade} OR {tree cover} OR {topographic wetness index} OR {timber harvest} OR {threatened species} OR {threatened native species} OR {terrestrial water storage} OR {terrestrial species} OR {terrestrial freshwater ecosystems} OR {terrestrial ecosystems} OR {terrestrial ecosystem} OR {terrestrial biodiversity} OR {system of environmental-economic accounting} OR {swamp forest} OR {sustainable land management} OR {stream ecosystem health} OR {strategic plan for biodiversity 2011-2020} OR {species richness} OR {species diversity} OR {species distribution} OR {soil water content} OR {soil restoration} OR {soil quality index} OR {soil quality} OR {soil erosion} OR {soil degradation} OR {soil and water assessment tool} OR {soil & water assessment tool} OR slash-and-burn OR silviculture OR rusle OR {riparian zone management} OR {riparian vegetation} OR {revised universal soil loss equation} OR reforestation OR redd OR {red list species} OR {red list index} OR {rainforest alliance} OR {protected species} OR {protected flora} OR {protected fauna} OR {protected areas} OR {protected area} OR {priority species} OR poach* OR {plant species richness} OR {plant species} OR {plant functional types} OR {palmer drought severity index} OR {normalized difference vegetation index} OR {net ecosystem productivity} OR {net ecosystem exchange} OR {naturalized species richness} OR {natural vegetation} OR {native species} OR {native forest} OR {national nature reserve} OR {nagoya protocol on access to genetic resources} OR {mountainous cover} OR mountain* OR {mountain vegetation} OR {mountain green cover index} OR {mountain ecosystems} OR {mountain biodiversity} OR lulucf OR lulc OR {low impact urban design and development} OR {low impact development} OR {loss of biodiversity} OR {local environmental factors} OR liudd OR {leaf area index} OR {land-use/cover-change} OR {land-use change} OR {land uses} OR {land use/land cover change} OR {land use/land cover} OR {land use land cover} OR {land use change} OR {land use and land cover} OR {land use} OR {land restoration} OR {land management} OR {land loss} OR {land degradation neutrality} OR {land degradation} OR {land data assimilation system} OR {land covers} OR {land cover types} OR {land cover type} OR {land cover changes} OR {land cover change} OR {land cover} OR {land conservation} OR {iucn red list} OR OR OR OR {inland freshwater ecosystems} OR {illegal wildlife products} OR {illegal logging} OR {human-wildlife conflict} OR {habitat restoration} OR {habitat loss} OR {habitat fragmentation} OR {gross primary production} OR {genetic resources} OR {freshwater species} OR {freshwater ecosystems} OR {freshwater biodiversity} OR {forest stewardship council} OR {forest management} OR {forest ecosystems} OR {forest ecosystem} OR {forest degradation} OR {forest cover changes} OR {forest cover change} OR {forest cover} OR {forest certification} OR {forest auditing} OR {fire-fallow cultivation} OR {extinction wave} OR {extinction risk} OR {extinct species} OR {exotic species} OR {eu water framework directive} OR {estuarine ecosystems} OR {environmental stress} OR {environmental management} OR {environmental impacts} OR {environmental impact} OR {environmental factors} OR {environmental factor} OR {environmental degradation} OR {environmental changes} OR {environmental change} OR {enhanced vegetation index} OR {endangered species act} OR {endangered species} OR ecotourism OR eco-system* OR ecosystem* OR {ecosystem services} OR {ecosystem service} OR {ecosystem restoration} OR {ecosystem protection} OR {ecosystem health} OR {ecosystem functions} OR {ecosystem functioning} OR {ecosystem function} OR {ecological resilience} OR {ecological health} OR {earth system models} OR {earth system model} OR {earth system} OR drylands OR dryland* OR {dry season} OR drought OR desertification OR desertif* OR {degraded soil} OR {degraded land} OR {degraded forests} OR deforestation OR deforest* OR {corine land cover} OR {community-based conservation} OR {community based conservation} OR {biological production} OR OR {biological indicators} OR bio-econom* OR bioeconom* OR OR {biodiversity loss} OR OR {aichi biodiversity target 2} OR afforestation OR {landform loss} OR subspecies OR {plant cover} OR *forest* OR ( {natural habitats} AND degrad* ) OR ( conservation AND {official development assistance} ) OR ( biodiversity AND {official development assistance} ) OR ( poach* AND {protected species} ) OR ( traffick* AND {protected species} ) )) NOT ( {food insecurity} OR {urban agriculture} OR toponym OR {glacier hazards} OR {glacier hazard} OR {sea ice} OR {marine ecosystem} OR {renewable energy source} OR {renewable energy technology} OR {renewable energy technologies} OR {coral reef} OR {coral reefs} OR {salt marshes} OR {salt marsh} OR ( resident* AND suburban ) OR paleoclimat* OR aquarium OR aquatic OR marine OR coast* OR sea )"} {"system":"auckland","sdg":"SDG-16","query_id":16,"query":"( {war crimes} OR {violent crimes} OR {violent crime} OR {violent conflicts} OR {violent conflict} OR {violent acts} OR {violence risk} OR violence OR {unsentenced detention} OR {transparent institutions} OR {transparent institution} OR {transnational organized crime} OR {torture of children} OR torture OR {terrorist attacks} OR {terrorist attack} OR terrorism OR terroris* OR {spouse abuse} OR {sexual violence} OR {sexual crime} OR {sexual assault} OR {sexual abuse} OR {separation of powers} OR {rule of law} OR {responsive institutions} OR {responsive institution} OR refugee* OR {psychological violence} OR {psychological abuse} OR {prevent violence} OR {press freedom} OR {political instability} OR {physical violence} OR {physical abuse} OR {peaceful society} OR {peaceful societies} OR {paris principles} OR {organized crime} OR {non-discriminatory laws} OR murder* OR {legal remedy} OR {legal remedies} OR {legal identity for all} OR {justice system} OR {justice for all} OR {judicial system} OR {intimate partner violence} OR {international humanitarian law} OR {international human rights law} OR {intentional homicide} OR insurgence OR {informal dispute resolution} OR {independent judiciary} OR {independence of judiciary} OR {inclusive society} OR {inclusive societies} OR {inclusive institutions} OR {inclusive institution} OR {illicit transfer} OR {illicit money} OR {illicit financial flows} OR {illicit arms flows} OR {illegal arms} OR {human trafficking} OR {human rights violations} OR {human rights law} OR {human rights institutions} OR {human rights institution} OR {human rights activists} OR {human rights abuses} OR {human rights} OR homicid* OR {good governance} OR genocid* OR {fundamental freedoms} OR {fundamental freedom} OR {freedom of speech} OR {freedom of information} OR {formal dispute resolution} OR {family violence} OR {false confession} OR {fair society} OR {fair societies} OR {extremism war crime} OR exoneration OR {ethnic conflicts} OR {ethnic conflict} OR {effective rule of law} OR {effective institutions} OR {effective institution} OR {domestic violence} OR {democratic institution} OR {democratic deficit} OR cybercrime OR {criminal tribunal} OR {criminal law} OR {criminal justice systems} OR {criminal justice system} OR {criminal justice} OR {criminal activity} OR {criminal activities} OR crimes OR crime OR {conflict-related deaths} OR {combat terrorism} OR {combat crime} OR {civil conflicts} OR {civil conflict} OR {childhood trauma questionnaire} OR {childhood sexual abuse} OR {child sexual abuse} OR {child abuse} OR bribery OR {birth registration} OR {arms trafficking} OR {arms flow} OR {armed conflicts} OR {armed conflict} OR {arbitrary justice} OR {arbitrary detention} OR {actual innocence} OR {accountable institutions} OR {accountable institution} OR {aarhus convention} OR criminal OR {black politics} OR {tenure rights} OR {civil rights} OR {health finance policy} OR {policy reform} OR {civic engagement} OR {environmental justice} OR apartheid OR {land reform} OR ( conflict* AND war* ) OR ( warfare AND war* ) OR ( treaty AND war* ) OR ( peacekeeping AND war* ) OR ( peace AND war* ) OR ( {geneva convention} AND war* ) OR ( democracy AND war* ) OR ( {death rates} AND violence ) OR ( responsive AND {political decision-making} ) OR ( representative AND {political decision-making} ) OR ( participatory AND {political decision-making} ) OR ( inclusive AND {political decision-making} ) OR ( policy AND {sustainable development} ) OR ( {sexual violence} AND {physical violence} ) OR ( {sexual abuse} AND {physical abuse} ) OR ( {human rights} AND {fundamental freedoms} ) OR ( society AND democrati?ation ) OR ( politics AND democrati?ation ) OR ( institutional AND democrati?ation ) OR ( {financial aid} AND democrati?ation ) OR ( decision-making AND democrati?ation ) OR ( conflict AND democrati?ation ) OR ( humanity AND crimes ) OR ( {public official} AND corruption ) OR ( institution* AND corruption ) OR ( government* AND corruption ) OR ( conflict* AND corruption ) OR ( briber* AND corruption ) OR ( policies AND {sustainable development} ) OR ( physical AND abuse ) OR ( sexual AND abuse ) OR ( emotional AND abuse ) OR ( physical AND violence ) OR ( sexual AND violence ) OR ( emotional AND violence ) OR ( law* AND societ* AND institution* ) OR ( legal* AND societ* AND institution* ) OR ( legislat* AND societ* AND institution* ) ) NOT homeless"}